Universidad de Sevilla

Course, Doctoral Program on Physical Sciences and Technologies

Monday, 18 September, 2023

Duration: 8 hours. The course will be taught in English and is aimed at providing cross-disciplinary training to the students of the Doctoral Program on Physical Sciences and Technologies.

Teacher: Antonio Pich Zardoya, Full Professor at the University of Valencia, on sabbatical at the University of Seville.
Dates: 22-25 January 2024.
Time: 16.00- 18.00. Classroom 7, Faculty of Physics.

Title: Introduction to the Standard Theory of the Fundamental Interactions


1) Elementary particles and fundamental interactions: Empirical facts. The new periodic table of the basic constituents of matter.
2) Symmetries and interactions: Electrodynamics (Lagrangian, Maxwell equations). Quantum Cromodynamics (strong interactions). Electroweak Gauge Theory.
3) Electroweak symmetry breaking: The Higgs field.
4) Phenomenological status: Experimental tests. Open problems and future perspectives.