Universidad de Sevilla

Validation Scale

Criteria and requirements for validation of doctoral student activities - transverse activity courses

Within the mandatory training activities of the Doctoral Programme, students are required to complete a minimum of 60 classroom hours corresponding to the activity known as Transverse Activity Courses. Apart from courses offered as part of the activities under the programme, students may request validation of the activities listed below:

  • English up to a maximum of 20 classroom hours, depending on the certificate level:
  • Cert. C1 = 20 hours.
  • Cert. B2 = 16 hours.
  • Cert. B1 = 10 hours.

Other certifications will be studied on a case-by-case basis at the request of the interested party. Activities will only be validated if they are accompanied by the following documentation:

  • Official certifications of the courses completed, with specific identification of the student.
  • Official document confirming studies equivalent to the B1, B2 or C1 certificates where necessary.

Each classroom hour validated will automatically validate 1.5 non-classroom hours.

  • Regulated Courses up to a maximum of 35 classroom hours.

Only regulated courses with content in keeping with the nature of these types of activities will be evaluated, including: bibliographical searches, drafting of scientific texts, oral presentation of research results, scientific languages and programming tools, data acquisition and interpretation techniques and systems, etc.

  • The Academic Committee will be responsible for determining in each case whether the content of the courses may be validated or not as CAT type activities.
  • Online courses are included.
  • Attendance at conferences is excluded.
  • The activities must be accredited by certificates confirming regular participation and the number of hours of the course.
  • A maximum of up to 20 classroom hours will be assigned per course. The maximum total of 30 classroom hours cannot be reached from one single event.

Activities will only be validated if they are accompanied by the following documentation:

  • Certificates of attendance specifically identifying the student.
  • Documented justification of the number of hours taught under each course.

Each classroom hour validated will automatically validate 1.5 non-classroom hours.

  •  Presentations of projects at conferences up to a maximum of 15 classroom hours.

Only presentation of projects will be included, not attendance at conferences. More specifically:

  • up to 3 classroom hours per project in the case of oral presentations and,
  • up to 2 classroom hours in the case of poster presentations.

Activities will only be validated if they are accompanied by the following documentation:

  • Certificates of attendance specifically identifying the student.
  • Copy of the technical programme in which the article appears.
  • Copy of the article presented.
  • Sworn declaration of the student, endorsed by the tutor, specifically indicating that the article was presented by the interested party.

Each classroom hour validated will automatically validate 1.5 non-classroom hours.

  • Drafting of articles for journals Up to a maximum of 20 classroom hours

Only accepted articles will be evaluated. More specifically:

  • Up to 5 classroom hours per article accepted/published, depending on the quality, level of impact, etc.

Articles published during the proceedings of conferences are excluded.

These activities will only be validated if they are accompanied by the following documentation:

  • A copy of the article published or the letter of acceptance.
  • Sworn declaration of the tutor, specifically indicating that the student was one of the main authors of the article.

Each classroom hour validated will automatically validate 1.5 non-classroom hours.


Criteria and requirements for validation of doctoral student activities - research seminars

As part of the mandatory training activities under the Doctoral Programme, students are required to attend a minimum of 20 hours corresponding to the activity known as Research Seminars, consisting of conferences offered by prestigious lecturers or researchers in fields linked with the research lines developed under the programme. Apart from the seminars offered as part of the activities under the programme, students may request validation of the activities listed below:

  • Attendance at conferences up to a maximum of 10 hours, with the following conditions and requirements:
  • Up to 2 hours per day spent at conferences.

Activities will only be validated if they are accompanied by the following documentation:

  • Certificates of attendance specifically identifying the student.
  •  Conference programme specifically indicating the titles of the plenary sessions.

Validation applications that do not include the above documentation will not be evaluated.

  •  Attendance at external seminars not organised under the programme Up to a maximum of 6 hours, with the following conditions and requirements:
  • Up to 1 hour per seminar.

Activities will only be validated if they are accompanied by the following documentation:

  • Certificates of attendance specifically identifying the student.
  • A copy of the advertisement for the seminar.

Validation applications that do not include the above documentation will not be evaluated.
