Universidad de Sevilla

General Information


In addition to the research work related to the Doctoral Thesis, students enrolled in the Doctoral Program in Physical Sciences and Technologies (DPPST) must complete a set of training activities aimed at acquiring skills described in the official DPPST report. The students are expected to attend transverse training courses (English, bibliographical database use, drafting of scientific texts, oral presentations, etc.) and other more specific activities (attendance at conferences in their specialty area and subsequent presentation of research, development of technical courses, stays at other research centres, etc.) These activities will be quantitatively assessed on the basis of a minimum number of hours devoted to them as explained below.

The Academic Committee will recommend the most suitable activities among those offered by the University of Seville through its different sections (Institute of Educational Science, ICE, Library, IT and Communication Service, SIC, Doctoral School, etc.) or their research groups. As far as possible, the Academic Committee will organize some of such activities.

The general criteria employed by the Academic Committe to evaluate the training activities are available at https://institucional.us.es/doctoradocytf/en/general-information/internal...


I. Transverse activity courses

These are courses that allow students to acquire complementary skills which will be of use when carrying out their work. These include English courses, courses in bibliographical database use, communication skills and others indicated by the Academic Committee.

  • Number of hours: 150 hours, including 60 classroom hours. The rest is considered to be personal work by students.
  • Time distribution: full-time students will carry these out during the first two courses of the DPPST and part-time students during the first three courses.
  • Nature: mandatory.
  • Type: methodological training.

The Academic Committee will recommend appropriate transverse activity courses. Evaluation of these courses will take into account due completion and achievement of the skills contemplated. Execution of these activities will be validated by the Academic Committee in the Doctoral Student Activities (DAD) document.

II. Career Guidance Workshops

This activity provides an opportunity to analyse possible relationships between doctoral students and their social-economic environment with the aim of assessing their options for professional insertion. The focus is on reflection and acquisition of skills that aid students in their search for professional careers beyond the strictly academic sphere.

  • Number of hours: 8 hours.
  • Time distribution: all students must attend one of these events during the DP.
  • Nature: mandatory.
  • Type: applied training.

The Academic Committee will incorporate attendance at this event in the activities document of each student.

III. Doctoral days

The doctoral days are a space for learning and debate among DP students. The idea behind these workshops is not solely to present projects, but to create a climate of dialogue to foster the exchange of ideas and resolution of common problems by doctoral students under the same programme. Where recommended, more specific Doctoral Workshops may be organized among doctoral students, with related thesis projects. It is estimated that there will be one workshop every six months. The mandatory attendance will be one workshop per year, for both full-time and part-time students.

  • Number of hours: 10 hours.
  • Time distribution: attendance and participation in one of these workshops per year.
  • Nature: mandatory.
  • Type: theoretical and scientific training.

Presentation of a summary of the workshop and a report from the tutor will be required for the Academic Committee to incorporate this activity in the DAD.

IV. Research seminars

The seminars will be offered by prestigious lecturers or researchers in areas associated with the research lines of the DPPST. The idea is for external partners to participate under the programme during research stays or under agreements established with the centre of origin.

  • Number of hours: 20 hours.
  • Time distribution: all doctoral students must complete the hours indicated over the course of the DPPST with attendance at 10 seminars.
  • Nature: mandatory.
  • Type: theoretical and scientific training.

The Academic Committee will control attendance and evaluate the student performance. The results of this evaluation will be incorporated in the DAD.

V. Stays at other R+D centres

Research stays by students will be encouraged, as part of their training activity, at other centres and universities with which the DP has established cooperation strategies in the field of research. In order to finance these stays, funding will be requested from public bodies and the University itself in order to secure the necessary economic support.

  • Number of hours: > 160 hours (1 month), although longer stays will be promoted with the aim of obtaining the International Mention for the Doctoral Thesis.
  • Time distribution: this may be carried out at any stage of the DP.
  • Nature: mandatory.
  • Type: theoretical, scientific, methodological, practical, technological and procedural training (depending on the centre in question and the activities to be carried out).

The Academic Committee will evaluate this activity, taking as its basis the duration of the stay, the activity carried out and the reports drafted by the destination centre and the tutor. The Academic Committee will include the research stay or stays in the DAD.
