Universidad de Sevilla

Doctoral Day, June 28

Thursday, 10 June, 2021

Dear Ph.D. students:


The 2nd edition of the "Doctoral Day” corresponding to the current academic year, 2020-21, will take place on the 28th of June. Due to the situation brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, this Doctoral Day will be once more held on the online platform of the University of Seville (ev.us.es).


The committee of the program would like to remind you that 


  • attending this activity once every academic year
  • delivering two presentations during the whole doctoral period


is mandatory within the doctorate programme "Ciencias y Tecnologías Físicas" (CyTF). 


You have to choose between being a speaker, which implies giving a presentation, and being an attendee. Speakers have to send me the following information:


  • title of the presentation
  • a short abstract (50-100 words)


by June 18. Depending on the stage of your PhD work, you may present the nature of your research project and/or the results obtained until now to the audience, mostly your mates in the PhD programme. Presentations will last 15 minutes plus 5 additional minutes for questions. Attendees, in addition to being present and actively participating in the presentations, are strongly recommended to prepare one slide in which a very succinct account of the development of their work is given. They would have to explain this slide in a flash talk (2’ presentation+1’ questions), whose title has to be sent to me also by June 18.


The provisional schedule of the event is planned as follows:


  • Morning session (09:00-13:00): 
    • (09:00-10:00) Lecture by Prof. Marco Durante (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany).
    • (10:00-13:00) Presentations by the PhD students, followed by flash talks. 
  • Afternoon session (15:00-18:00):
    • (15:00-18:00) Presentations by the PhD students, followed by flash talks.


The final timetable of the students’ presentations and flash talks—both of them must be in English—will be given as soon as possible. The number of long presentations (15’+5’) will be limited to 15. If there are more than 15 students applying for speaker, preference will be given to those in their last year of the program who do not have the two compulsory presentations.


Please, pay attention to these instructions in order to facilitate the organisation of the meeting. Specific instructions on how to enter the virtual room for the meeting will be given together with the final schedule.